Chiropractic for Senior Citizens

Chiropractic for Senior Citizens

Are you over the age of 60? If you answered yes to this question, then this makes you a senior citizen according to Indian Tax Law and you account for 7.4% of the population in India. My Dad and Grandparents fall into this group which is also classified as elderly, geriatric, and old age.

Often times I hear my elderly relatives chat about medications for their chronic illnesses and how to live a more comfortable life. Since nobody has found the fountain of youth, and nobody seems to be getting any younger, I am hearing more and more complaints about pain, falling, balance problems, knee replacements, hip replacements, and the list goes on. This makes even more sense when I came across an article on that shows that almost 70% of senior citizens in India have a chronic illness.

Chronic illness may seem inevitable, but is it? What are you doing for your health? Are you following Wayne Fields advice and following the best 6 doctors? “The best six doctors anywhere and no one can deny it, are sunshine, water, rest, and air, exercise and diet. These six will gladly you attend, if only you are willing, your mind they’ll ease, your will they’ll mend, and charge you not a shilling” — Nursery rhyme quoted by Wayne Fields, What the River Knows, 1990. These 6 doctors will take you a long way, but you may also have segmental and somatic dysfunction of the spine which may be preventing your progress toward a comfortable life free from chronic illness.

You might be wondering – “how can the function of my spine be analyzed and treated?” This is what Chiropractors do best. Chiropractors adjust the spine to improve the communication between brain and body. This also means that the brain receives optimal signals from the body, so muscles, organs, mood, and immune system can function appropriately. When the systems of the body are functioning appropriately the mind and body feel and function better. I recommend attending to the 6 best doctors and go to the Chiropractor for healthy aging. Get adjusted and feel your posture improve, your pain reduce, your energy increase, and your quality of life grow.

DM us or call us at +91 77606 15859 and our team would help you with all your queries.
#HealBetter with #ChiropracticCare.

Dr. Ryan Bakosh
Chiropractor  I  Atlas Chiropractic & Wellness  I  HSR Layout

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