WFH Syndrome – Biology

Work from home syndrome (WFHS) is wreaking havoc on millions of people all over the world. One of the biggest issues is that people are discovering new aches and pains or triggering old problems by the way they are working. On the biological front, we’re obviously talking about what harmful effects occur with poor mechanics of the body. Bad posture, lack of an ergonomic workstation, and the inability to get a proper exercise routine together are the key factors in accumulating biomechanical stress. Those recovering from injury are particularly at risk for worsening their condition, unless committed to a physical...

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Do you have a case of #WFHSyndrome?

As the pandemic rolls on, people are caught in a vicious cycle of pain and anxiety. With COVID-19 infecting more than 5.8 million people worldwide, causing over 360,000 deaths, companies and governments are embracing work from home (WFH) as a viable way to conduct business for the foreseeable future. In an IT city like Bengaluru, this means that roughly 1.5 million people are staying at home to reduce the spread of the virus. WFH Syndrome is what we’re calling the negative bio-psycho-social effects of being forced to work from home. Of course, there are people who are acing this thing,...

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